Before I get into talking about Grill Masters Club let me give a bit of background info. Generally speaking I am not a huge fan of commercial rubs and sauces. I usually like to make my own rubs and I don’t use a lot of sauce in my cooking. Most commercial rubs contain salt and I fall firmly in the camp of wanting to control the amount of salt in my meat. I also like to be able to have more control over the ingredients in my rubs depending on what I am cooking, how I am cooking, and who I am cooking for. My son, for example, really hates black pepper for some unknown reason. So if I am cooking something I know he will be eating I try to avoid pepper or at least minimize it. With a commercial rub I don’t have the same control.
For most of my barbecue I don’t like to use a lot of sauce. I never sauce brisket. For pork butt I usually use a sauce that isn’t much more than vinegar and red pepper flake and maybe some rub. Either that or I use mustard sauce but haven’t found a good commercial one yet. I do use sauce for ribs occasionally but I don’t cook a ton of ribs.
All that said, there is definitely a place for commercial rubs and sauces and that is where Grill Masters Club comes in.
Disclosure: This post is monetized with affiliate links. If you buy something through them I earn a commission which helps support this site and lets me buy more meat so I can write about it.

What is Grill Masters Club?
Grill Masters Club is monthly subscription box that delivers a selection of sauces, rubs, and other bbq products right to your door. There will pretty much always be a sauce and a rub and depending on the month there will be some other stuff like wood chips, bbq tools, hot sauces, and the like. You won’t find big brands like Heinz or Sweet Baby Ray’s or anything like that in these boxes. The sauces and rubs come from small producers from around the country.
Who is Grill Masters Club for?
If you love grilling than Grill Masters Club is for you. If you are looking for a gift for someone who grills than Grill Masters Club is for you. Do you like to try new flavors and experiment when you cook? Than Grill Masters Club is for you.
I have received 3 Grill Masters Club boxes so far and in a bit I will share what I thought of the individual boxes and show you what they contained. Grill Masters Club is great for someone who occasionally fires up the grill and it is also great for the hardcore bbq enthusiast. There is something for everyone. Will you love every thing in every box you get? Of course not. But I think there is enough good stuff in each box that you won’t feel like you wasted your money. It is also a perfect gift for Father’s Day, birthdays, or for anyone that loves grilling when you don’t know what to get.
You can subscribe for 1, 3, 6, or 12 months. Boxes ship the first week of every month. The most popular option is the 3 month subscription and that will run you $29.95 per month. Shipping will seem a bit expensive at around $25 but when you consider the weight of the boxes they are shipping it makes sense. Most of these sauces and rubs can be ordered elsewhere but I checked a few and a rub and sauce will usually cost around $8 for shipping so $25 shipping for 3 months isn’t ridiculous.
When you subscribe you also get access to the Grill Masters Club community with recipes, giveaways, and a place to interact with other grillers and bbq fans.
What is in the Grill Masters Club boxes?
Like I mentioned earlier, I have received 3 boxes from Grill Masters Club so far. One came last fall that they gave me and the other two came from the subscription I bought. I still have another box coming in June. The 3 month subscription is a great way to go since still have a lot of rub and sauce left from the boxes I have received and if I got one every month for a year I would run out of storage space soon. But if you use a lot of sauce getting some new stuff every month for a year could be nice.
Box 1: Bacon BBQ sauce, Bee Sting Honey Mustard, Chimichurri seasoning, and American Style BBQ Chicken rub
Overall I was pretty disappointed in this box. I expected some of these to be duds but starting out on a bad note was a bit rough. The bbq sauce had a pretty bad flavor to it. The honey mustard sauce was decent. I am not a fan of chimichurri so I have no idea about that seasoning. But the American Style chicken rub was very good. I have used it on a couple chickens and have really enjoyed it. Like I said earlier, there will be some stuff in these boxes you don’t like.
Box 2: Wright BBQ Rub, Wright Peach Chipotle BBQ Sauce, Grill Pinz, and Vaughn Wood Products Hickory Chips
This box was definitely a step up from the first. The Wright Rub is a pretty standard BBQ rub and is very good with a nice bit of heat and a bit more going on flavorwise than a lot of other rubs. But the sauce is what really stood out in this box. The peach chipotle sauce is has some great sweetness from the peach and some spice and smokiness from the chipotle. Overall it is one of the best sauces I have ever used. So far I have used it for ribs and chicken and it is great on both of those.
The wood chips? Not really my thing. I prefer wood chunks for my cooking but for people using a gas grill wood chips will work much better than chunks in most cases. And Vaughn Wood Products is a well respected name in the bbq industry. If you like wrapping things in bacon the Grill Pinz are pretty cool. They are designed to help pin bacon or anything else you want to wrap around your meat. Since they are metal they won’t burn like a wooden skewer. Pretty cool product but I haven’t had a chance to use them yet.
Overall this box was a winner. Great sauce, solid rub, and a couple other nice products.
Box 3: Loubier Mild BBQ Sauce, Loubier Italian topper, Vaughn’s Wood Chips, and Heat Resistant BBQ gloves
One great thing about bbq sauce is there are tons of different styles, varieties, and tastes. The Wright Peach Chipotle sauce in the last box was what I would consider a cooking sauce. I will use it when smoking rubs or cooking chicken. The Loubier sauce in this box is more of what I would call a condiment sauce. It is a fairly thick, sweet sauce and if you can imagine the best bbq sauce you could ask for from a fast food restaurant for dipping your nuggets or chicken strips in this is that sauce. And I say that in a very good way. With 3 kids in the house we eat a lot of frozen chicken strips and this sauce will be excellent for those.
The silicon bbq gloves will be great for picking up hot pork butts or briskets since they are heat resistant and also totally washable. I am not really sure where I would use the Italian seasoning but it did have a good flavor. Tasting it I could see it being a good seasoning for meatballs or even just sprinkled over some pasta and sauce.
That should give you a good feel about what you will receive in your Grill Masters Club box when you subscribe. If you like grilling and bbq I would definitely recommend giving them a try. But I think it makes and even better gift. Sign up today and also buy one for your dad for Father’s Day.