I will be the first to admit I am not one for novelty t-shirts. 99% of my wardrobe has something to do with one of my favorite sports teams (Seahawks, Gonzaga Bulldogs, Mariners, UW Huskies, Detroit Red Wings, Liverpool, and the Sonics if you are curious) but there are some pretty sweet looking meat related t-shirts I have seen that I will probably add to my wardrobe soon. Here are 6 awesome meat related t-shirts that have caught my eye lately:
Feast Mode

An homage to one of my favorite Seattle Seahawks, Marshawn Lynch. Beast Mode is his nickname so this “Feast Mode” t-shirt combines two of my favorite things: Marshawn and meat.
Sizzlin Bacon T-shirt

Few things make the mouth water more than some sizzlin’ bacon. When you wear this shirt you can expect everyone around you to start drooling uncontrollably. If they wanted to make this shirt extremely epic they would have a built in speaker that would play the sounds of bacon sizzling in the pan. Or you could just turn up the volume on your phone and play this. And to take it totally over the top you can wear some bacon fragrance spray as well.
Lord of the Wings

Chicken wings are one of the best party foods known to man. Show up with a giant plate of wings and this t-shirt to your next party and you will be a hero.
If it Doesn’t Have Meat It’s a Snack

One complaint on this is that it implies meat isn’t a snack. Meat can definitely be snack!!! Jerkey, Slim Jims, cold cuts, left over fried chicken, lil’ smokies, bacon, sausage, charcuterie… the list goes on and on. Meat is definitely a snack.
Bacon – Because Crack is Bad For You

This t-shirt accomplishes two things: It promotes bacon as being awesome and it promotes crack as bad. Both of those are win in my book. Wear this every day and we just might win the war on drugs. And if you pass out free bacon to people in the crack den you will be a true hero.
Epic Burger T-shirt

Now I will be the first to admit, this shirt just might be over the top. Big bold graphics usually aren’t my thing but I might just make an exception for a shirt like this. And those onions need to go away from that burger.